Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Do you have a maintained desire to lead a passionate life?

I had it. Then I lost it. I struggle to get it back. Not easy as I think or hope.

One thing I am very sure is that I WANT it back.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Migrating to Mint

There is a reason for things that are popular. You can always find something good from popular things if you do not try judge.

I changed the apt sources list to migrate to Mint. As soon as I encounter some bumps, I can sense the tinge of regret on trying something different when things are running fine even though it carries annoying little things.

New option I learned during this upgrade is "dpkg -i --force-overwrite" to override the error regarding overwriting a file that is also part of other package(s).

Respect the resilience of Linux.


"There is no no purpose to life; there no point to life other than what you invested with yourself by your own actions." by Gore Vidal from the interview with Studs Terkel:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Life, take 1

So there is this hypothesis that your life's ups and downs are like seasons.

First of all, 'life's ups and downs' should be appropriately defined to understand what this hypothesis means. When one mentions that 'lowest point of one's life', what are low? Maybe it is not totally tangible thing but a whole circumstances around you, including money, fame, happiness, and love.